Wednesday, January 28, 2015

What Sends A Person To Hell?

Anything surprising in this list of those who will suffer for their own sins, and then inherit Telestial Glory?
 103 These are they who are liars, and sorcerers, and adulterers, and whoremongers, and whosoever loves and makes a lie.
Doctrine & Covenants 76:103

Note that those who do those things, and remain unrepentant, will suffer for their own sins in Hell, and then be delivered up to Telestial Glory (see D&C 76:105-106).  Were you surprised that dishonesty got mentioned twice? Does that make dishonesty worse than you thought it might be?  Many wonder what a “whoremonger” is.  It is those involved in sexual perversions such as prostitution; so sexuality outside of the bonds of husband and wife is mentioned twice also. One definition of a sorcerer is someone who is involved in activities that invite evil spirits.

So we should all take a moment and consider how we are doing in those three areas.  How honest are you? How could you become even more honest? Are all sexual thoughts and feeling committed to only your spouse? Do you maintain your defenses in those areas? Are there books, movies or music you participate in that invite an evil spirit in your home?

Today’s Takeaway: Evaluate the questions above and decide at least one thing you can do to be less Telestial, and more Celestial.

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