
Why Have Today's Recharge?

PictureDo you remember in the Old Testament how the Children of Israel were given Manna every day? God offered them nourishment each day for living.  The only real rule was that it would last for only one day. Anything left over from the day before would be spoiled.  So they had to seek God’s nourishment afresh each new day.

It is the same with us.  We need spiritual nourishment on a daily basis in order to be the men and women of God we were meant to be. I hope you are opening the Word of God each day.  With that in mind I want to send a thought from our class most days.  Let it be a small bit of nourishment for that day to recharge you. I hope it also is a reminder to you to get in the scriptures briefly that day. 

PictureMany of us have the ritual of having to plug in our phones or electronics before going to bed so that it has enough power for the next day. Likewise, we need to get in a habit of spiritually recharging ourselves each day.

I want to call it Today's Recharge. I hope you look forward to those brief, recharging posts I will send. I pray it will be a blessing in your life that draws you closer to the Lor
d each day.

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