Thursday, January 8, 2015

Feelings for Sin

Crying repentance, saying: Save yourselves from this untoward generation, and come forth out of the fire, hating even the garments spotted with the flesh.
Doctrine & Covenants 36:6

Do you have a thing for sin? How should we feel about sin?  Doctrine and Covenants 36:6 gives a great word picture.  In ancient times there were many kinds of skin disease like leprosy.  Although the people would try to place bandages to stem the infections, the disease would break through the skin. Not surprisingly, in Leviticus 13:52 they were commanded to burn the clothing which had contact with the disease.  Here the disease and the spotted garments are a metaphor for sin. So how should we feel about sin?  What feelings do you associate with sin?  Hatred? Disgust? Are you repulsed by sin?  Or are you interested, perhaps curious about sin?  When you see immoral images on TV, are you sickened, or a little bit fascinated? Does violence on TV draw you in?  Surely, you would never do those kinds of things, but are you entertained by watching others sin?  Media has a way of desensitizing us to what is naturally vulgar, immoral, and repulsive.  Alexander Pope observed:
     “Vice is a monster of so frightful mien
     As to be hated needs but to be seen;
     Yet seen too oft, familiar with her face,
     We first endure, then pity, then embrace.”

Does the notion of sexual immorality repulse you as much as chewing tobacco? Or rubbing up against someone with breaking infections on their skin?

Today’s Takeaway: Our hearts need to change so that we are just as disgusted by sin as a bandage oozing with the plague.  Think of a sin where, instead of feeling sick by it, you have allowed yourself to feel curious or fascinated.  What will you need to do to change your feelings about that sin so that you despise it?  A change in media choices?  Change in friends? Start that road today to change how you feel about sin.

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