Thursday, March 12, 2015

To Live or To Die

What is required of a disciple of Christ?
  And whoso is not willing to lay down his life for my sake is not my disciple.
Doctrine & Covenants 103:28

Recently in the news, there were Christians taken captive by ISIS soldiers.  They were told they would be beheaded unless they renounced their faith in Christ and converted to Islam. They would not and became martyrs for their Christian faith. Would you do the same?  Would you be willing to give your life for sake of Christ? I hope we never have to find out the answer to that question, but it does give some unique introspection.

Here is another question to add to the mix. Is it easier to die for Christ or live for Christ? Where dying for Christ would be extremely difficult, living for Christ is a decision we must make anew each day, which can make it harder.

Today’s Takeaway: Make the decision now that no matter the circumstances, or even threat of death, you will never renounce your faith in Christ.  Likewise, decide now to live for the Lord. To treat others the way you think Jesus would. To serve, help, uplift as He would. It is the quest of a lifetime, but everything else has no value in comparison. 

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