for what Lyman was resisting.
Doctrine & Covenants
had been speaking to Lyman. Through the gentle promptings of the Spirit, the
Lord had been telling Lyman to go seek counsel from Joseph Smith. But apparently,
Lyman has been resisting. Why would
anyone resist God’s voice? Doesn't everyone
want God to speak to them more? Often not, because when the Lord speaks to
us, He is may be asking us to do things that are out of our comfort zone. So
here the Lord tells all of us to “resist no more my voice.”
would happen if every single time the Lord prompted you to do something, no
matter what, you did it? Would promptings become more frequent? I am sure you would have the Lord speaking to
you and directing you more in life. On
the other hand, what if every time the Lord nudged you, you ignored the
prompting? Would the rate of how often you got promptings go up or down? I think they would go down. Why would the Lord
speak to someone who refuses to listen and act?
I think our living Prophet is a perfect example of this. By being resolute in always following even the
least promptings of the Spirit, President Monson has learned to easily recognize God’s voice,
and the Lord knows he can count on His directions being followed. This has made him a much used instrument in God’s hands.
Today’s Recharge:
Be listening today. I am almost sure that today, each one of us will receive a
prompting to help someone or do something good. If you follow that prompting (even
if you are not 100% positive it is the Lord speaking to you) you will learn to
recognize and hear God’s voice better.
Soon we will become the kind of disciple the Lord goes to when He wants
something to get done. And that is an
unspeakable honor.
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