this verse remind you of a particular hymn?
Doctrine & Covenants
you think of what Hymn comes from that verse? Hymn 130, “Be Thou Humble”. What a beautiful image where we learn how we
can have God lead us “by the hand”. So what is the connection between humility,
and receiving God’s guiding hand in our lives?
Consider a when a child is being prideful and obstinate. He doesn’t want is parent’s hand or
guidance. The child wants to do his own
will rather than what his parents want. So God will often let us older children see what our stubbornness and
rebellion leads to. This humbles us to
the point that we are willing again to seek God’s hand in our lives, and His
will for us.
biggest insight I have had in learning to be humble is to realize that I am no
better than anyone else. In God’s eyes,
there are people who have never committed a sin (Christ only), and the rest of
us who desperately need His goodness and grace to make it back. So we are no better than anyone else. Our failures, successes, sins and good
attributes may be different, but we are all in the same boat trying to make it
back to the Lord’s presence.
Today’s Takeaway:
Our own way leads to disaster and unhappiness. May we humble ourselves and
realize how desperately we need God’s hand in our lives. Ask for his help, acknowledging how much you
need Him, and He will be there for you and help guide you.
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