Friday, February 20, 2015

What to Do (With or As) The New Person

Look for how to treat new members, and how to be a new member.
  Verily, thus saith the Lord, I give unto the united order, organized agreeable to the commandment previously given, a revelation and commandment concerning my servant Frederick G. Williams, that ye shall receive him into the order. What I say unto one I say unto all.
   And again, I say unto you my servant Frederick G. Williams, you shall be a lively member in this order; and inasmuch as you are faithful in keeping all former commandments you shall be blessed forever. Amen.
Doctrine & Covenants 92:1-2

Did you see the advice of what to do with new members, or people new to our congregations? The Lord tells the group to “receive him”. Are you good at receiving those who are new? When you see a new face at Church, do you automatically go up and introduce yourself and try to get to know them?  Do you invite them to upcoming things and include them?  Or do you think, “Ah, they’re probably just visiting. Someone else will say hi.  I’m too busy.”  Even if they are just visiting for that Sunday, isn’t it nice when people introduce themselves and welcome you? Be that person for others.

Did you see the advice to the new member, or person new to the ward in verse two? The Lord tells us to “be a lively member”.  Sometimes as the new person, we expect everyone to introduce themselves to us.  The Lord in saying to not wait.  There is a saying, “Sitting in a pew doesn't make you a member any more than sleeping in a garage makes you a car.” Go out and introduce yourself, get involved, and get invited. 

Today’s Takeaway: Decide now that the next time you see someone new at Church, you are going to be the one to introduce yourself and welcome them. Take it upon yourself to “receive” them and make sure every new face is warmly welcomed.  On the other hand, if you are ever the new person, be that “lively member” that is easy to get to know.  

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