Doctrine & Covenants 36:2
This verse holds one of the most amazing principles about Priesthood service, and how we all are to serve our fellow beings. Notice that the Lord tells Edward Partridge that He (the Lord) would lay His hands upon him (Edward), by the hands of his servant Sidney Rigdon. So what is this teaching about what happens when we are performing Priesthood ordinances? That when we are worthily performing the ordinance, our hands become the Lord’s hands. When following the direction of His Spirit, our words, become His words. This can become a scary proposition. Every Priesthood holder has to ask himself if he is living his life in such a way that at any moment he can represent the Lord and be His hands, and His voice, and a conduit for His power, in another person’s life.
Likewise, whether male or female, we all take upon ourselves the name of Christ. That means we recommit ourselves each Sunday to represent Him in every situation. All of us are to be His hands and His voice to everyone around us.
Today’s Takeaway: Try to live today so that you can be God’s voice today to someone. Try to follow His Spirit so you can be His hands in someone else’s life. Who’s life does God want you to touch for Him today?
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