Saturday, October 31, 2020

Change to "Renewed in Christ"

 Hey Friends,

I am about to publish a wonderful book called, "Renewed in Christ" and with that, each week I will send a post that uplifts and renews us in Christ.  BUT I will not do it here.  There are 3 places you can get this each week. 

The Best place is at my website and sign up for the email that comes when I post: This way FaceBook or YouTube do not decide to forward on my message or not. 

Facebook is good but they do not always send on the posting to you.  If you Like the page, make sure you also go in to the options at the right with the 3 dots and select it as a favorite. .

YouTube is also good. But make sure you click the Subscribe button and the little bell next to it. This works well for people who are often on YouTube: 

Thank you so much for your support.  I think you will LOVE the book and the weekly messages.  Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.